Sunday, 25 October 2015

Research: Blog Post 21: The Breakfast Club Remake Evaluation

As a group, the skills we have developed vary from increasing our knowledge of camera equipment to using editing software successfully. We used proficient planning skills to create a checklist for our shots and an accurate storyboard to streamline the filming process. After planning the shots we were going to film, we decided that a fig rig would be most appropriate for the shots of the title sequence. We also used a tripod for the scenes containing dialogue. During the editing process, we managed to overcome the struggles we faced creating the titles. We gained knowledge of how to manipulate sound levels within a video clip in conjunction with external music and sounds.

Considering our limited experience in recording moving image, to a large extent we succeeded in this task; we planned methodically which led to exceptional results. The post production process allowed us to create narrative cohesion despite the lack of shots.  Despite this large amount of success in recreating the title sequence, there were many discrepancies that meant that we couldn't further enhance the quality of our remake; an example of this is our restricted range of locations, props, and cast. Although there are many dissimilarities between the high school featured within the film and the one we used to recreate it, we believe that the settings available were used to the fullest in order to emulate the sequence. 

If we were to do this sequence again we would ensure beforehand that we would have sufficient props and settings to recreate the shots in the film accurately. 

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