Friday, 16 October 2015

Research: Blog Post 11: BFI

BFI-Genre and audience research

Which 3 genres were most successful at the UK box office?

Which 3 genres were least popular at the UK box office?

Which film genre had the most film released in 2013-14?

How many films in this genre were made in 2013-14?

How many animated films were made?

How many action films were made?

What does this information about genre tell you about Film production and audiences?
-It tells me that the higher the number of releases the higher the percentage of all release.

Audiences-Chapter 15

In which age group made the largest propportion of cinema admissions in the UK?
-15-24 year olds

Which comedy film was most successful with this age group?
-The hangover III

Which film was most popular with the over 50s? What genre was the film?
-Quaret, Comedy

Which genres were the most popular with men?

Which genres were most popular with women?

Which 3 films were most popular with the 7-14 age group? what does this tell us about their preffered genre?

-One Direction:This Is Me.
-Wreck It Ralph.
-Despicable Me.

-This shows us that the younger audiences prefer films with boybands such as One Direction and also prefer films that are animated yet funny. 

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