What is the key plot idea introduced in the title sequence?
- Shows the film is going to be a comedy as it shows very different things including the main characters doing something funny.
In what order is the story line introduced?
- It doesnt tell much about the storyline, but shows that it shall be about money as the sequence shows a lot of dollars being touched.
What characters are introduced? When and How?
-Two main characters are introduced.
- How- Scenes from the film appear in the title sequence showing both characters doing something.
- When-Straight after gunshooting-Both of them are in a car.
What social groups are represented? How are they represented?
-The social group= Teenage adults who go college. They are being represented in the stereotypical way, alocholics, chavs.
- Lots of mid shots
- close up on different things/props
- cut in on man with money in hands
- Location-America, New York
- Costume- Everyday wear/Police wear
- Make up- Natural
- Props- Explosions, guns, money, police cars.
- Speed o feach shot is quick(transition)
- Special effect- Slow motion in alot of shots.
- Music-Modern party type of music.
- Gun shots
- Explosion sound
Sequence 2-Stranger than fiction.
-What is the key plot idea introduced in the title sequence?
It doesnt show much of a plot, however it does leave a cliff hanger telling the audience what could happen in the film todo with the main characters watch.
In what order is the story line introduced?
-Shows the main characters everyday life.
What characters are introduced, when and how?
-Main character is introduced when narrator starts speaking 30 seconds in the movie.
What social group and how is character represented?
-He is shown as a perfect man who does everything well, shown as a postive man.
- Extreme long shot of eart zooming in main characters house
- close up on alarm
- long shot on character sleeping
- extreme close up on character doing his tie
- Location: America
- Costume-Suit
- Make-up-Natural
- Probs- watch, suitcase, jacket, toothbrush, coffee.
- Special effects-Numbers and words look quite futuristic.
- Quick cuts (transition)
- Alarm clock beeping
- Narrator speaking
sequence 3-Lego movie.
- Close up when credits are up.
- Lego
- Location-Lego Land
- Costume-Batman costume, builder, motorbike clothing.
- props- Motorbike, cars, lego.
- Quick cuts
- transition-Moves via lego changing
- Fun party music
- Lego movie theme song: "everything is awesome"
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